Physical Science Workplace Life Committee
Physical Science Workplace Life Committee
Our Charter: To explore and address issues affecting workplace quality of life for the four Physical Sciences Divisions: Accelerator Technology & Applied Physics, Engineering, Nuclear Science, and Physics.
Our Charter: To explore and address issues affecting workplace quality of life for the four Physical Sciences Divisions: Accelerator Technology & Applied Physics, Engineering, Nuclear Science, and Physics.
Who We Are: Our committee is composed of technical and administrative representatives from the Physical Sciences Area with support from Human Resources.
Who We Are: Our committee is composed of technical and administrative representatives from the Physical Sciences Area with support from Human Resources.
We value your input: If you have a workplace life issue you'd like to bring up, please use the Issues Form (see below) or email the committee at
We value your input: If you have a workplace life issue you'd like to bring up, please use the Issues Form (see below) or email the committee at
We are currently specifically seeking feedback on the PMP process and on science support at the lab. Please let us know if you have any comments
Workplace quality of life can be influenced by a variety of factors including: work-life balance, workplace environment (safety, facilities, culture), health, benefits, compensation, and career (trajectory, satisfaction, recognition).
Workplace quality of life can be influenced by a variety of factors including: work-life balance, workplace environment (safety, facilities, culture), health, benefits, compensation, and career (trajectory, satisfaction, recognition).
Learn more about active and past topics addressed by the Workplace Life Committee on the Topics page.
Learn more about active and past topics addressed by the Workplace Life Committee on the Topics page.
Mentoring Program - Workplace Life advocated for a Physical Sciences Area-wide mentoring program that officially commenced in November, 2020. Workplace Life will continue to engage the program committee and provide input and a Work-life perspective.
Physical Sciences Area Statement on Work-Life Balance - The Workplace Life Committee worked with the Physical Sciences ALD to outline and clarify policies in support of work-life balance.